An Introduction

Big Data & Spark

Apache Spark is an open-source cluster computing framework. Its primary purpose is to handle the real-time generated data.

Spark was built on the top of the Hadoop MapReduce. It was optimized to run in memory whereas alternative approaches like Hadoop’s MapReduce writes data to and from computer hard drives. So, Spark process the data much quicker than other alternatives.

Data integration: The data generated by systems are not consistent enough to combine for analysis. To fetch consistent data from systems we can use processes like Extract, transform, and load (ETL). Spark is used to reduce the cost and time required for this ETL process.

Stream processing: It is always difficult to handle the real-time generated data such as log files. Spark is capable enough to operate streams of data and refuses potentially fraudulent operations.

Machine learning: Machine learning approaches become more feasible and increasingly accurate due to enhancement in the volume of data. As spark is capable of storing data in memory and can run repeated queries quickly, it makes it easy to work on machine learning algorithms.

Interactive analytics: Spark is able to generate the respond rapidly. So, instead of running pre-defined queries, we can handle the data interactively.

Features of


  • Fast – It provides high performance for both batch and streaming data, using a state-of-the-art DAG scheduler, a query optimizer, and a physical execution engine.
  • Easy to Use – It facilitates to write the application in Java, Scala, Python, R, and SQL. It also provides more than 80 high-level operators.
  • Generality – It provides a collection of libraries including SQL and DataFrames, MLlib for machine learning, GraphX, and Spark Streaming.
  • Lightweight – It is a light unified analytics engine which is used for large scale data processing.

Runs Everywhere – It can easily run on Hadoop, Apache Mesos, Kubernetes, standalone, or in the cloud.


3V's of Big Data

  1. Velocity: The data is increasing at a very fast rate. It is estimated that the volume of data will double in every 2 years.
  2. Variety: Now a days data are not stored in rows and column. Data is structured as well as unstructured. Log file, CCTV footage is unstructured data. Data which can be saved in tables are structured data like the transaction data of the bank.
  3. Volume: The amount of data which we deal with is of very large size of Peta bytes.

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